مدة الإشتراك
بوكيت هوست
Unavailable شهري

بوكيت هوست

15 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
6 قواعد بيانات
6 نطاقات إضافية
6 نطاقات فرعية
20 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة
المضيف المبتدئ
Unavailable شهري

المضيف المبتدئ

25 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
8 قواعد بيانات
9 نطاقات إضافية
9 نطاقات فرعية
40 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة
قيمة المضيف
Unavailable شهري

قيمة المضيف

40 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
10 قواعد بيانات
12 نطاق إضافي
12 نطاق فرعي
80 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة

Why Dedicated Server hosting?

1 High Performance

With our in-house solutions being continually developed we are able to push latest-gen hardware to its max.

2 Secure Infrastructure

As a provider we value your business and your security, therefore our datacenter environments have been highly secured to protect your business interests.

3 Completely Scalable

Start with an infrastructure that can smoothly scale up or down as required, enabling seamless expansion and adaptation to your growth needs.

No Sharing Resource

The power of dedicated hardware on a user-friendly hosting platform

Dedicated hosting gives you a whole server to yourself. You don’t share processing power or bandwidth with anyone else, so there’s no risk of other users competing for resources. The result is superb performance for your projects, even under high workloads.

The power of dedicated hardware on a user-friendly hosting platform

Lightning Fast Drives

Offers a choice between HDD or SSD hard drives, ensuring exceptionally fast loading times for your website.

Unshared Resources

Enjoy unrestricted utilization of your server resources without the need of sharing the server resources.

DDoS Protection

Experience peace of mind with round-the-clock DDoS protection and a redundant 2N+2 power setup.

Dedicated Servers Features

Included with every Dedicated Server plan

DDoS Mitigation

Indulge in swift connectivity as you navigate through our vast global server fleet, empowered by the rapid capabilities of our high-capacity 10G fiber uplinks.

1G and 10G Uplinks

Stay in the fast lane with high capacity 10G fibre uplinks available across our entire fleet of global servers.

Firewall Settings

Take charge by accessing historical DDoS attack records and adjusting your protection settings as needed.

RAID Monitoring

Keep a close watch on your server's RAID array health and receive instant notifications if any signs of failure emerge!

Extended Graphing

Access comprehensive service statistics, including network throughput, port errors, packets per second, and port utilization for your server.


Streamline the rDNS/PTR record setup for your IP addresses with Zare Manager. Enjoy the ease of bulk updates for efficient large-scale modifications.

Control Panels, OS & Apps

Multiple panels and operating systems























Upload Custom

Upload Custom

























Highest Performance

Top-tier scalability and performance for enterprises

Embrace unmatched scalability in our dedicated server fleet. With advanced hardware and networking, our Linux hosting ensures high availability for your site or app. As your business grows, we deliver the power you need for seamless operations.

Speed is key, both for your site and network. Through Edge and Core routing, enjoy tripled performance. Our enterprise routers and secure setup guarantee up to 3 times the speed.
Top-tier scalability and performance for enterprises
Top Security

Uncompromising commercial security at the utmost level

Experience the enhanced security, with Auto-Updates and DDoS protection. Our dedicated hosting employs top-tier commercial-grade hardware, providing robust defense against cyberattacks and malware. This formidable protection reduces vulnerabilities by an impressive 98%, operating 20 times faster than alternative DDoS solutions.

Our dedicated hosting services leverage the power of commercial-grade hardware and physical resources.

Uncompromising commercial security at the utmost level
Easy Customization

Customizable high-performance Dedicated Servers

Count on our experienced hosting team to design a custom server solution that suits your needs. Be it a creative agency or a large enterprise, our dedicated server aligns with your goals. Consult our experts for free to determine your ideal setup and secure your dedicated server today!

Craft the perfect enterprise solution by tailoring it to your budget, performance, OS, storage, and RAM preferences.

 Customizable high-performance Dedicated Servers
Migrate Server

Already have a website and/or a Dedicated Server? Transfer to us for free.

Rely on us for seamless website migration when you switch to our platform. Focus on your priorities while we handle the process. Enjoy free website migration without extra fees.

Available Dedicated Servers types

مدة الإشتراك
1.50 USD Save  13 %
1.31 USD شهري

رابيد إس إس إل

تساعدك شهادات RapidSSL® في الحفاظ على أمان معاملات عملائك من خلال تشفير البيانات حتى 256 بت ومصادقة الموقع. اشترِ شهادة وسرّع عملية التسجيل باستخدام التحقق التلقائي من التحكم في النطاق. والأفضل من ذلك كله أن شهادات SSL الخاصة بنا من بين الأكثر تكلفة في الصناعة. فنحن نحافظ على انخفاض تكاليفنا وننقل المدخرات إليك.
12.42 USD Save  12 %
10.94 USD شهري

RapidSSL للرمز البديل

تساعدك شهادات RapidSSL® Wildcard على تأمين العديد من المجالات الفرعية بشهادة SSL واحدة منخفضة التكلفة صادرة إلى *.yourdomain.com. احمِ بيانات عملائك الشخصية باستخدام تشفير يصل إلى 256 بت. يجعل التحقق التلقائي من التحكم في المجال مصادقة الموقع أمرًا سهلاً. في RapidSSL، نؤمن بتوفير حماية SSL التي تحتاجها بسعر تنافسي.
6.58 USD Save  12 %
5.81 USD شهري

برنامج GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium

قم بتأمين موقعك الإلكتروني بسرعة. تُعد شهادات GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium واحدة من أسرع الطرق التي يمكنك من خلالها البدء في حماية المعاملات والتطبيقات عبر الإنترنت باستخدام SSL. بفضل عملية المصادقة والإصدار التلقائية، لا يستغرق الأمر سوى دقائق للحصول على شهادة QuickSSL Premium SSL الخاصة بك. بعد ذلك، تصبح إدارة وتجديد شهاداتك أمرًا سهلاً. مع GeoTrust، تحصل على SSL غير مكلف دون التضحية بالراحة أو الاختيار أو الموثوقية
23.25 USD Save  36 %
14.86 USD شهري

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium للرمز البديل

قم بتأمين نطاقك وجميع النطاقات الفرعية من نفس المستوى بسرعة. تعد شهادات GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard واحدة من أسرع الطرق لبدء حماية جميع النطاقات الفرعية الخاصة بك على شهادة واحدة. تعني عملية مصادقة البريد الإلكتروني الآلية لدينا أنك تحصل على شهادتك في دقائق. مع شهادات QuickSSL Premium wildcard، تحصل على نطاقات فرعية غير محدودة وعلى عدد غير محدود من الخوادم - شهادة واحدة ستتكيف مع نمو عملك.
14.08 USD Save  7 %
13.14 USD شهري

GeoTrust True BusinessID معرّف الأعمال الحقيقي من

شهادة SSL من فئة الأعمال - أفضل من ذلك. عندما يتعلق الأمر باختيار أمان SSL لشركتك، فلديك الكثير من الخيارات. مع GeoTrust، القرار سهل. تتيح شهادات SSL من GeoTrust® True BusinessID لعملائك معرفة أن موقعك جدير بالثقة وأنك تأخذ أمانهم على محمل الجد بما يكفي للحصول على شهادتك من هيئة إصدار شهادات موثوقة عالميًا
24.08 USD Save  7 %
22.47 USD شهري

معرّف الأعمال الحقيقي من GeoTrust مع EV

قم بعمل بيان أمان قوي باستخدام شريط العناوين الأخضر. GeoTrust® True BusinessID مع EV (التحقق الموسع) هو منتج أمان SSL المتميز من فئة الأعمال، والذي يؤكد بصريًا أعلى مستوى من المصادقة المتاحة بين شهادات SSL. الشريط الأخضر يوضح كل شيء. يلاحظ زوار موقع الويب حقًا عندما يتحول شريط العناوين إلى اللون الأخضر في متصفحاتهم عالية الأمان ويبدأ حقل المؤسسة في الدوران بين اسم عملك وGeoTrust
37.42 USD Save  7 %
34.92 USD شهري

معرّف الأعمال الحقيقي من GeoTrust للرمز البديل

قم بتبسيط إدارة الشهادات من خلال ميزة شهادة Wildcard. تتيح لك شهادات GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard تأمين نطاقات فرعية متعددة على شهادة واحدة، مما يقلل من وقت الإدارة والتكلفة. سواء كانت الصفحة الرئيسية لشركتك أو اسم مضيف خادم البريد الخاص بك، فإن حماية المعلومات الحساسة هي هدفك - وهي هدفنا أيضًا
37.33 USD Save  7 %
34.83 USD شهري

موقع DigiCert الآمن

قم بحماية موقع الويب الخاص بك أو حركة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بك باستخدام تشفير قوي 2048 بت مع شهادة SSL للموقع الآمن
93.17 USD Save  7 %
86.94 USD شهري

DigiCert الآمن برو

مع Secure Site Pro SSL، يمكنك الحصول على شهادة ضمان عالية مع ميزات إضافية للأمان الشامل لموقع الويب
93.17 USD Save  7 %
86.94 USD شهري

DigiCert الآمن EV

توفر شهادات SSL للتحقق الممتد من الموقع الآمن (EV) حماية لأهم أصولك - عملائك وعلامتك التجارية - من عمليات الاحتيال عبر الإنترنت
124.92 USD Save  18 %
102.58 USD شهري

DigiCert الآمن برو EV

Secure Site Pro EV SSL هو أعلى مستوى من المصادقة مع ميزات إضافية للأمان الشامل لموقع الويب والحماية القوية ضد الهجمات التي تستهدف الهوية
Unavailable شهري

بوكيت هوست

15 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
6 قواعد بيانات
6 نطاقات إضافية
6 نطاقات فرعية
20 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة
Unavailable شهري

المضيف المبتدئ

25 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
8 قواعد بيانات
9 نطاقات إضافية
9 نطاقات فرعية
40 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة
Unavailable شهري

قيمة المضيف

40 جيجابايت تخزين
حركة مرور غير محدودة
10 قواعد بيانات
12 نطاق إضافي
12 نطاق فرعي
80 حساب بريد إلكتروني
تثبيت WordPress بنقرة واحدة

Not sure which server is best for your business? Get in touch today!

Customer Reviews

Why our customers loves our services

Five Star Hosting Services!


“Exceptional hosting services! Their robust infrastructure ensured my website's stability and lightning-fast loading times. Support was prompt and knowledgeable. A game-changer for my online business.“

Five Star Hosting Services!
Michael Smith

Great Hosting Company

“Building my WordPress website was a breeze with their hosting services. The user-friendly setup and intuitive tools made the process seamless. I'm delighted with the hassle-free experience and impressive results.”

Great Hosting Company
Eliza Williams

Very Helpful Support

“I'm thoroughly impressed with their hosting services. The standout feature for me is their outstanding customer support – quick, friendly, and incredibly helpful. They've truly exceeded my expectations!"

Very Helpful Support
John Doe

High Quality Servers

“I'm thrilled with their hosting services. The performance of my website has been exceptional, thanks to their top-notch hardware. Blazing-fast speeds and reliability have made a huge difference for my online presence.”

High Quality Servers
Michael Smith

Fastest Hosting

"I'm amazed by the speed of their servers! My website loads in an instant, providing an exceptional user experience. Their hosting services have significantly boosted my site's performance."

Fastest Hosting
Robert Johanson

Simply Amazing

“Their products are simply amazing. The quality, features, and value they offer have elevated my online presence. A fantastic choice for anyone seeking top-tier hosting solutions.”

Simply Amazing
Maria Garcia

Five Star Hosting Services!


“Exceptional hosting services! Their robust infrastructure ensured my website's stability and lightning-fast loading times. Support was prompt and knowledgeable. A game-changer for my online business.“

Five Star Hosting Services!
Michael Smith

Great Hosting Company

“Building my WordPress website was a breeze with their hosting services. The user-friendly setup and intuitive tools made the process seamless. I'm delighted with the hassle-free experience and impressive results.”

Great Hosting Company
Eliza Williams

Very Helpful Support

“I'm thoroughly impressed with their hosting services. The standout feature for me is their outstanding customer support – quick, friendly, and incredibly helpful. They've truly exceeded my expectations!"

Very Helpful Support
John Doe

High Quality Servers

“I'm thrilled with their hosting services. The performance of my website has been exceptional, thanks to their top-notch hardware. Blazing-fast speeds and reliability have made a huge difference for my online presence.”

High Quality Servers
Michael Smith

Fastest Hosting

"I'm amazed by the speed of their servers! My website loads in an instant, providing an exceptional user experience. Their hosting services have significantly boosted my site's performance."

Fastest Hosting
Robert Johanson

Simply Amazing

“Their products are simply amazing. The quality, features, and value they offer have elevated my online presence. A fantastic choice for anyone seeking top-tier hosting solutions.”

Simply Amazing
Maria Garcia

Five Star Hosting Services!


“Exceptional hosting services! Their robust infrastructure ensured my website's stability and lightning-fast loading times. Support was prompt and knowledgeable. A game-changer for my online business.“

Five Star Hosting Services!
Michael Smith

Great Hosting Company

“Building my WordPress website was a breeze with their hosting services. The user-friendly setup and intuitive tools made the process seamless. I'm delighted with the hassle-free experience and impressive results.”

Great Hosting Company
Eliza Williams

Very Helpful Support

“I'm thoroughly impressed with their hosting services. The standout feature for me is their outstanding customer support – quick, friendly, and incredibly helpful. They've truly exceeded my expectations!"

Very Helpful Support
John Doe

High Quality Servers

“I'm thrilled with their hosting services. The performance of my website has been exceptional, thanks to their top-notch hardware. Blazing-fast speeds and reliability have made a huge difference for my online presence.”

High Quality Servers
Michael Smith

Fastest Hosting

"I'm amazed by the speed of their servers! My website loads in an instant, providing an exceptional user experience. Their hosting services have significantly boosted my site's performance."

Fastest Hosting
Robert Johanson

Simply Amazing

“Their products are simply amazing. The quality, features, and value they offer have elevated my online presence. A fantastic choice for anyone seeking top-tier hosting solutions.”

Simply Amazing
Maria Garcia

Frequently asked questions

What is a Dedicated Server and how does it work?

A Dedicated Server is a robust hosting solution where an entire physical server is exclusively allocated to a single user or organization. It operates independently, providing full control over resources and configurations.

Here's how it works:

  • Resource Allocation: With a Dedicated Server, you have access to all the server's resources – CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. There's no resource sharing with other users, ensuring consistent and reliable performance.
  • Isolation: Your server operates in isolation, eliminating the risk of being affected by other users' activities or traffic spikes, as in shared hosting.
  • Customization: You can tailor the server's software, operating system, and applications to match your specific requirements.
  • Performance: Dedicated Servers offer high performance, ideal for resource-intensive tasks, high traffic websites, and applications.
  • Security: Enhanced security features protect your data and applications from external threats. You have control over security configurations and firewall settings.
  • Scalability: While Dedicated Servers offer ample resources, they can be upgraded to higher configurations as your needs grow.
  • Management: You can choose between managed and unmanaged options. Managed servers come with technical support for server maintenance and troubleshooting.

In essence, a Dedicated Server provides a dedicated, powerful, and customizable hosting environment for users who demand high performance, control, and security for their websites, applications, or projects

Let’s get started

Choose the hosting provider who makes it easy and fast to create websites. Completely risk free with our 7-day money back guarantee.