
Account Details - For The Client Area

Quick Intro Account details give you an overall view of the user's information and who controls...

Account Security - 2FA For The Client Are

Quick Intro The Account Security section allows you to set up a Two-Factor authentication method...

Change Password - For Your Client Area

Quick Intro The Change Password section allows you to change the password for your current...

Contacts - Manage List Using Client Area

Quick Intro The contacts section is made to create and save different contacts that are...

Email History - View Via The Client Area

Quick Intro The Email History section allows you to view all the Emails sent to your email and...

Payment Methods - From The Client Area

Quick Intro Payment Methods allow you to add and save credit/debit cards. You can use saved...

Security Settings - Alternative Login Methods To The Client Area

Quick Intro The Security Settings section lets you view and manage alternative login methods....

Service Upgrade/Downgrade From The Client Area

Since all of our Web Hosting plans are limited by the Disk Space, you'll have to upgrade to a...

Switch Account - Inside Of The Client Area

Quick Intro The Switch Account section gives you the option to switch between the users invited...

User Management - For The Client Area

Quick Intro If you are working as a team of multiple people who need access to your account but...

Your Profile - Manage Via The Client Area

Quick Intro The Your Profile section lets you edit your login Email. It's different from the...